Thursday, April 2, 2015

What's Your Google Number?

I've had a Google Voice number for several years now and would recommend everyone take advantage of this service.

I originally got a Google Voice number to have an alternate phone number.
 I called it a "message" number.  I now use my Google Number as my main phone number.  I love using it to text from my computer or tablet as well as on my cell phone.  I have even used Google Voice on my old cell phone that doesn't have cell service any more to make phone calls and text over wifi.  I've made phone calls from my browser through my personal Gmail account.  When I recently got a new cell phone, I didn't have to let anyone know the new number because I just moved my Google number to my new phone.

There's much more Google Voice can do, too.  You can set Google Voice to ring more than one phone number (your cell phone, home phone, office phone, etc.)  You can use your Google contacts to block numbers.  You can set "Do Not Disturb" times of the day where you phone won't ring, but someone can leave a message.  You can also set a group of numbers that will ring through, while other numbers will be sent to voicemail.

And speaking of voicemail!  Google will record, transcribe and email and/or text you your voicemails.  This comes in handy to refer back to and share.

It worked great with my iPhone, as well as any browser and Android device.

And how much does a service like this cost?  It's FREE!  Yep, unless you want to call out of the country, Google offers their services for free.

There are a few things to note about using Google Voice: it does not work with Google Aps, but it does work with regular Gmail accounts; and you MUST have a cell phone number to initiate the service.

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